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LifeWay Growth Track Course

We are so excited you are here!  This is your first step toward serving the Lord here at LifeWay. Click on the icons below to complete the 3 video series for Growth Track. Once you have completed the course, please click the link below to register for our next 11 week Discipleship class!  

LifeWay Discipleship

LifeWay Discipleship class is an 11 week class and is offered in the Spring. More info to come!

Ephesians 4:12 says, “Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do His work and build up the church, the body of Christ.” Come to Discipleship Class to be equipped for the work of the ministry, learning more about who God is and connecting with other believers as the Holy Spirit heals your heart and brings growth as you become a Disciple of Jesus Christ.